Could I be a Medium?

Have you felt energy around you that you can't explain? Invisible or perhaps visible in some cases. 

The overwhelming feeling that something is there with you?

Perhaps you've even heard your name being called? 

So what exactly does all of this mean? With the rise in popularity of modern day spiritual practices, many people on platforms like TikTok will tell you that you are having a spiritual awakening. I have a very different view on this and in this blog I will share with you the massive personal responsibility that comes with being a medium.

We are essentially spirit beings in a human body, living a human life, with so much distraction all around us. We have to deal with chemical imbalances, changes in our immediate environment that affect our physiology, as well as interacting with other people, and trying to juggle all the responsibilities that come with living a physical life. So we are desensitised and distracted by the world around us. 

With this said it is usually when we are tipping into the altered states of consciousness that come just before sleep or deep states of trance, like when you're sitting in a daze pondering life, that we have spiritual experiences. 

This isn’t that you have suddenly woke up in a wonderful spiritual awakening but is in fact the result of you slowing down and open to new information. Usually a time in your life when you are screaming at the universe for help or in some cases it just happens naturally. 

When people experience this, there is a moment where they think maybe I'm a medium? Well the answer is, yes you are. We all are. The word ‘medium’ means the intervening substance through which sensory impressions are conveyed or physical forces are transmitted. (Google).

You are the intervening substance and much like a newspaper reporter or radio you are only as good as your signal. For most people they will get their information in bits and pieces with no real coherent meaning.  Working Mediums have mastered this through understanding themselves and constantly working on themselves mentally, physically and spiritually. A medium should always be working on themselves continuously. 

So, what actually is a medium?

The role of a medium is to prove the existence of the human soul beyond reasonable doubt by providing evidence based information on the person's character, death, description of how they lived, looked etc. A medium should always be striving to achieve proof and clarity without information from their sitter. To add to this, a medium's massive responsibility is to their own wellbeing first. 

The added responsibility of a medium is to be kind and compassionate and come from a place of care, empathy and understanding. The medium should be looking after themselves physically, mentally and spiritually so as they are the best most conductive vessel for the spirit world. 

If I was in the unseen world and wanted to give my family irrefutable proof that I had existed beyond physical death, I would certainly want that person to be a person who was understanding, honest and could remove their own feelings from the reading. 

A medium should be providing evidence not telling you about the new car someone is buying or the fact you have been feeling a little low etc they are there to give you the connection of love from your loved ones and that's it. 

A medium should never give messages without your permission, this is removing your free will and although it may be seen as a wonderful and exciting thing to do, it's highly irresponsible, they are forcing information upon you without your permission. 

A medium should only give information if you have specifically requested so and have set up the right environment to do so. I hear so many stories of mediums just giving information because they think it's okay to do so. 

So for the inexperienced medium, if you are feeling that you have a message to give someone you should first ask for that person's permission before saying a single thing and if they say no you must accept that. 

I have certainly had many people in the spiritual community think it's okay to blurt out messages that could have been done much more sensitively and with my permission. 

See my blog in the mind of a Medium 

A medium is someone I would regard as an ambassador for the unseen world so they should live their lives in such a way that is in line with the way the spirit world works, understanding and love. 

My life's work has been developing myself so I can be the best for the spirit world, helping to prove survival beyond reasonable doubt and have my sitters walking away with no doubt in their mind who was communicating but more importantly feeling that a part of them is healed as a result of the reading. I care deeply for everyone I have ever sat with and see my role as the greatest privilege, but I'm acutely aware that when I'm not right neither is my connection. I'm a constant work in progress. 

It really is the hardest but most rewarding role in the world.

From my soul to yours 


Want to learn more about mediumship? 

To explore your own connection we have our gateway to mediumship course. This course is perfect for those who are interested in exploring their mediumship skills. You'll also learn what your connection to spirit feels like, how important your energy is when connecting with spirit, and you'll take away skills to practice and develop yourself. 

Or if you’d just like to dip your toe in, join our Spirit Connection Circle which runs every Sunday at 7pm (book at


Mary Duffy Centre


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