Is the work of a medium a con?

is the work of a medium a con

So this week has been a real rollercoaster of emotion for me with a huge chunk of my week answering questions on the integrity of the work I do. 

One thing I have always done throughout my life's work as a medium is to be honest, even when the world as a whole isn't ready for that truth.

The word integrity means “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles”

My Granny would always say “if you can't be honest, what's the point in saying anything, liars always get caught out.”

So to have a few people comment on one of my recent TikTok videos writing things like “there is no proof to what you say” and “you are a con man” has really left me feeling a little shaken. 

Now people always say ‘don't focus on the negatives’ and although that's easy in principle, it's much harder when someone is questioning your honesty, you naturally want to defend what you know is the truth. I always find myself taking a step back and trying to understand why they feel the way they do, because it's not for me to prove anything to anyone. That is like a joiner being asked to build a shed to prove he's a joiner when you have no intention of employing them, I'm sure most joiners would tell you to bolt and would simply choose never to want to work with you. 

So why in the world would someone feel the need to question my work? It feels like they are not only questioning my work but they are questioning my life, my view of my reality. From as early as I can remember I have been aware of people that others aren't. This week has had me questioning my mental wellbeing, thinking has it all been my imagination? 

Of course it isn't my imagination, my life's work has been to give proof of life after physical death beyond reasonable doubt. I guess I don’t speak much about the pressure we have upon us as mediums. Sitting with someone who wants to connect with someone they love so much comes with a huge responsibility and the last thing I want to do is get that wrong. 

Can you imagine how it feels to sit with someone putting all of your trust in the unseen world to step forward and deliver? That's such a huge thing and takes a lot of commitment from the medium. 

It's so vitally important to me that the information I give is right and is done in such a way that the sitter can have no doubt in their mind that they have had a communication with the person they love. 

With every trade you will have your fakes, the people who say they can offer what you are looking for but are only there to extort and manipulate vulnerable people. I can't imagine sitting in front of a person and lying to them, and how difficult that must be to maintain but alas, it's done every day. The word lie means to create a false or misleading impression, for me when someone is lying it oozes from every pore, people see through it quickly and break connection with you. 

Honesty is the most important thing in mediumship, and that means that sometimes we just don't make a connection with certain people, which can often leave them feeling upset and let down by the fact that they couldn't be read! However it's important to be honest and this happens to me on a few occasions every year. The way I see this is that perhaps I wouldn't have gotten along with the person in the spirit world in life or perhaps they simply didn't want to speak through a medium! Sometimes if someone has such a strong belief in life that they would never consult a medium then that thinking transcends to the afterlife also. 

So like with anything in life, when people question things it's because they have a lack of understanding, they don't see the journey that's taken you to the point you are at in your life. 

Over the years I have sat for over 8000 hours developing my understanding of my connection with the spirit world. I have worked in a full time capacity with the spirit world as my full time job for the last 11 years and another 22,880 hours which in developmental time as a medium, which is monumental. 

I think where it all goes wrong is people’s preconceived ideas of mediums and psychics, you just need to open the pages of the paper to see mystic megs predictions or flashy ads asking you to call psychics who will give you all the answers to life. Or perhaps it's the fortune teller down Blackpool promenade with their gypsy caravan etc adding gimmick and mystery to what should be a professional spiritual counselling service. 

Then you have social media with people giving readings to the masses on huge public platforms, often done unprofessionally with them sitting puffing a vape or banning people who question their work. It really can be seen as a comedy act. Even at your local spiritualist meeting you may see mediums saying things like “who's getting a new car?” “Have you been feeling down?” etc etc instead of applying the connection with the person telling them this information. 

A medium should be communicating with an audience where their information is clearly differentiating the difference between psychic work and what the person in the spirit world is saying. Psychic work can lead to the medium’s work appearing to be wishy washy and very disconnected, but it's entertaining so people buy into the entertainment. 

Then comes the science of mediumship, energy cannot be destroyed it merely changes form and the one answer that continues to baffle science is - does consciousness exist after physical death?

Just because science cannot answer the question yet it doesn't mean that it isn't true. The thought of giant lizards roaming the earth would have sounded ridiculous until archaeologists found the bones to prove their existence. For thousands of years mankind believed that the world was flat, science proved the world to be round which most sailors already knew as they watched the back end of a ship be the last to move over the horizon, but the masses said they were crazy. 

It's my belief that science will one day prove that the human soul exists beyond physical death, but what would that mean to the world and how this knowledge would change life as we know it?

If you have had an experience with the spirit world, and most people will at some point in their physical life, then you will know that the existence of the unseen world is very much part of our reality and that yes we do exist beyond physical death - seeing and feeling is believing isn't it? After all, if it was a lie then what a ridiculously hard lie that is to maintain. 

I'm excited to see the development of modern mediumship and will continue to make it my life's work to prove the existence of the unseen world, through science, evidence and kindness! I will answer those difficult questions and put myself in front of people who question the work I do and I will do everything I can to regulate the industry to eliminate the poor work and help and support these people to do a better job. To leave everyone in their care in a better place spiritually, emotionally and physically than they were before they came.

Ultimately everyone gets their proof in the end. To conclude, when I've asked the spirit world what to do with this week's comments they have encouraged me to write to raise awareness and understanding of the difficult questions.

Thank you unseen army. 

From my soul to yours 

Steven x


Signs from the Spirit World 


Mary Duffy Centre