New Moon - 1st Feb 2022

…It's a new moon, set your intentions!
…It's a full moon, recharge your crystals!
…Let go of what no longer serves you!
…They are annoying me, it's the moon!
…I feel like crap, it's the moon!…

I'm sure you've heard these phrases all too often. Today's Blog is to help you understand how to really harness the new moon's energy to bring about all you’ve ever wanted and more.

What is a new moon? In astronomy a new moon is when the moon's surface is not visible to the naked eye. It is when the moon and sun have the same ecliptic longitude.

Human history is based around moon cycles with the age-old practice of planting crops that bear their fruit above the ground on a new moon cycle.

The celebration of Easter is also determined by the lunar calendar, this is why it's a different date every year.

After the moon's absence for a few days during a new moon we are welcomed by the rebirthing of the moon with a waxing crescent, the first appearance of the moon after days of darkness. Usually this takes 29.5 days for the moon to move in a full cycle from new moon to full moon, during these 29.5 days we must set our intentions at the beginning of the cycle, the new moon.

My top tips for you on a new moon are as follows:

  • Plant seeds at this time for a bountiful harvest.

  • Get yourself a notepad and write down the intentions you have for the weeks ahead.

  • Be kind to yourself and allow yourself lots of time for relaxation and reflection.

  • Create a sacred space where you can think and create.

  • Start something new, fitness, healthy eating regime etc

  • Quit something, smoking, eating rubbish etc

  • Light a candle, lighting a candle on the darkest night of the month signifies our desire to bring more light into our life.

  • New moons always bring us new people or events for us to learn from, so embrace some new energy by embracing the opportunities for these new people to shine some light.

The idea of doing all of the above is so that by the time we get to the full moon, we have completed things, learned lessons and brought in a bountiful harvest. There is nothing more empowering than getting to a full moon with the completion of something we have worked so hard to accomplish.

All those hopes and dreams we wrote down now become a reality. The full moon encourages us to review and evaluate all of the changes we made at the new moon. This means we are able to see what's working for us and what's not, it's a really empowering practice but it takes some work in the beginning. If I look back on my lunar diary and see that I am repeating an intention set at the new moon then I am certainly not learning from it. I need to do some deep thinking on is my current approach working and am I moving and progressing from this.

This then encourages me to make a new plan on how I execute my goals. It simply isn't enough to write what we want, we must take action on what we want, put in a plan and make it work, this would look something like this:

I want to have a fulfilling relationship with my partner.

To do this I need to:

  • Talk about how I'm feeling every day

  • Take time off every week

  • Have a date night once a week

  • Be more understanding

Then look at these things every day and before you know it by the full moon your relationship is going to be more balanced. You may need to repeat if you slip back but the importance of this is that we keep moving things forward all the time.

So use the power of our amazing lunar energy ball to create the life you want.

The moon can help us in so many ways all we have to do is organise ourselves to harness its wonderful power.

From my soul to your soul

Steven x


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